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PPC Paid Search Google Ads

We help businesses increase sales and lead conversions with PPC by driving ready-to-buy traffic to your website.

How We Drive Sales With Google Ads Management?

A graph displaying the revenue generated through keyword optimization and Google Ads implementation.

Maximise Profit

Google ads is one of the most profitable ad channels that can truly capitalize on a buyer’s intention to buy. We optimize every expenditure for maximum profitability, ensuring a high return on your ad spend.

Impressions performance overview and conversion tracking with Google Ads.

Optimised For Success

We use advanced analytics tools to track and analyze campaign performance in real time. We leverage User Experience tools to monitor use behavior to help us make data-driven optimizations to your campaign.

Modified description: A graph illustrating the growth of a company's online presence through effective SEO keywords and Google Ads.

High Quality Leads

Our expertise in campaign sculpting and strategic planning enables us to deliver high-quality, prequalified leads. This ensures that your budget is optimized towards targeting your ideal audience and leads who are ready to buy!

Pay for conversions, not just clicks!

If you’re frustrated with thousands of clicks on your Ads that aren’t resulting in tangible results, look no further. Our approach involves optimizing your campaign for conversions, not just clicks.

We use a combination of keyword strategy and campaign sculpting to ensure that your ads are reaching the right audience – high-quality leads who are ready to buy. Plus, our system ensures that your budget is spent only when a conversion takes place, making sure that your advertising investment is not wasted on pointless clicks.

A screenshot of the Google Ads keyword reach dashboard.

Drive Traffic Across All Devices

An iPhone with a blank screen on a black background, perfect for Google Ads and important SEO keywords.
A table displaying the number of pages and visitors, focusing on SEO keywords performance.

Small Screen, Big Impact!

With over 55% of web traffic coming from mobile devices, we craft campaigns with mobile-specific calls to action to capture buyer interest and ensure higher conversion rates on your ad spend. 

An iPhone with a blank screen on a black background, perfect for Google Ads and important SEO keywords.
Samsung galaxy s7 edge battery percentage is crucial for users to monitor their device's power level and optimize usage. With effective SEO strategies and Google Ads campaigns, businesses can target keywords related to this topic and

Tailored Ads For Each Device

We customize effective strategies for each device, ensuring successful outcomes by creating ads that captivate users’ attention and guarantee high conversion rates for each device they use. 

Whether you’re looking to start a new business, expand your current one, or refresh an existing eCommerce website we can help you!

Target Audience Research

We conduct research to gain insights into your target audience’s online preferences and behaviors. This allows us to optimize each campaign by targeting the search terms your audience will most likely use when seeking services such as your online. 

Competitive Research

We not only invest time in comprehensively grasping your industry and identifying key players but also leverage cutting-edge software to investigate and analyze the digital advertising strategies employed by your competitors.

ROI and Profit Centric

Our campaigns are fine-tuned to deliver optimal returns on your advertising investment. We prioritize optimizing your budget to generate the highest possible return and maximize lead acquisition.

High Conversions

As a web design agency, we leverage our experience in creating high-converting websites and utilize our existing tools to understand user interactions on your website. This allows us to make targeted tweaks, enhancing conversions and reducing bounce rates.

Real-Time Reporting

Stay updated on your campaigns with a daily report on a user-friendly dashboard. It includes vital metrics like conversions, ad spends, and costs per click for comprehensive insights. Real-time metrics offer full control and visibility into your campaign performance.

Campaign performance with real-time reporting!

No need to take our word for it when we provide you with easy access to a simple dashboard where you can keep track of all the important records of your campaign. 

Performance Overview

Performance Overview

Access real-time insights into the performance of your campaign and a clear breakdown of your budget allocation through a simple and easy-to-use dashboard.

Keep Track of your audience

Keep Track of your audience

Get a comprehensive understanding of your website visitors by identifying the keywords and strategies that are generating the best return on investment.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking

Gain visibility into your conversion rates and track how your budget is allocated. We offer valuable insights into the profitability of your campaign and its effectiveness in driving qualified leads to your website.

Contact us for a quote.

Contact us to get a custom quote for your e-commerce website by clicking the button below. 

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Contact us today and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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Black background with white letters "WQ" and a white arrow forming a circle starting from the 'Q', perfect for adding a sleek design element to your website's footer to enhance SEO.

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