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About this design

Home Cleaners Website

Expert Local Cleaners.

Cleaning services are undeniably in high demand online, serving busy locals daily. However, competition is fierce, making it challenging to stand out. Establishing brand loyalty is equally daunting, especially when pricing becomes the primary battleground, potentially leading to a race to the bottom. Companies like housekeep.com have surged ahead, simplifying bookings and attracting a workforce. Thus, with this design, our aim is to emulate that and enhance the user experience but for a local cleaning business instead.

Design Goal

The Design Process


Use Case

Cleaning services are undeniably in high demand online, serving busy locals daily. However, competition is fierce, making it challenging to stand out. Establishing brand loyalty is equally daunting, especially when pricing becomes the primary battleground, potentially leading to a race to the bottom. Companies like housekeep.com have surged ahead, simplifying bookings and attracting a workforce. Thus, with this design, our aim is to emulate that and enhance the user experience but for a local cleaning business instead.


Design Objective

The objective of this particular design is to boost visibility for local home cleaners in a user-friendly manner. We’ve employed a conversion-focused approach, directing users through the website with straightforward and easy to understand service details, supplemented by visual cues and prominent calls to action across all significant sections of the site. The branding is playful and approachable, setting it apart from conventional cleaning services by appearing more modern and user-friendly.

Additionally, it features a built-in quote generator, simplifying the budgeting process and facilitating users in selecting the service that best suits their needs.



  1. User-Centric Design: Placing utmost importance on user experience, the design prioritized intuitive navigation, well-structured content, and simple to understand call to action. In additional an interactive quote generator was added.

  2. Brand Identity: The design seamlessly incorporated the client’s refreshed brand identity, including a new logo and tagline. Consistent branding throughout the website underscored the professionalism of the business and set it apart from competitors.

  3. Engagement and Interaction: To foster visitor engagement and facilitate direct communication, interactive elements like contact forms, call-to-action buttons, and social media integration were strategically integrated throughout the site.

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Black background with white letters "WQ" and a white arrow forming a circle starting from the 'Q', perfect for adding a sleek design element to your website's footer to enhance SEO.

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