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Do you need a website for your side hustle?

side hustle website

Is having a website for your side hustle worth it?

With the current job market uncertainty and increasing layoffs, many people are seeking extra income through side hustles. And one question that often comes up is whether or not they need a website.

Websites can be expensive to create and maintain, so it’s natural to wonder if they’re even necessary, especially when starting out. To help you decide, let’s take a closer look at some key factors.

What are you selling? 

Firstly, lets consider what you’re selling. This will help you determine the best avenue to start your business and which platforms will suit you best. 

You are selling a physical product.

If you are selling a product it will most likely require online sales capabilities. Therefore platforms like Etsy, eBay, or Amazon might be a good starting point. These platforms provide access to a large consumer base and handle logistics for you, allowing you to focus on your product.

E-commerce websites 

Setting up an e-commerce website can be complex and costly – with integrations for inventory management, customer support, tax, and payment gateways costs can quickly add up. This can be a challenge for new business owners who may not have a large amount of initial capital.

One additional challenge that can arise in e-commerce businesses, similar to retail stores, is their heavy reliance on website traffic for generating revenue. Without visitors, there are no customers and consequently no sales. However, unlike physical stores, simply placing your website on a busy street is not an option. The key to success lies in making significant investments in Google ads, social media advertising PPC, and SEO. Therefore for those just starting out with a side hustle, these challenges may outweigh the benefits of having your own website.

As your business matures and starts gaining interest, investing in an e-commerce website becomes a no-brainer. Having ownership over your customer base will allow you to grow quickly and save more money in the long run by not paying a cut to these platforms. Establishing yourself as a brand on platforms like Amazon and eBay is also next to impossible, so having your own e-store will help increase your brand recognition helping you create more loyalty and differentiation against competitors too. 

Ultimately, it depends on the stage of your business. Platforms such as Amazon, Etsy, and eBay provide an opportunity to test the viability and interest in your product with minimal financial risk. Additionally, these platforms grant access to a large customer base without the need for significant upfront advertising expenses. 

Nevertheless having your own e-store enables you to customize your website and add your personal touch to manage how others perceive your businesses. Moreover, it grants you control and ownership of your customer base, aiding in your long-term growth and increasing revenue potential.

You are selling a service.

For the sake of this article, let’s consider various types of services that you could potentially offer, such as cleaning, construction, professional services or similar offerings. In this instance having your own website is not only essential but it can be incredibly beneficial and set you apart from competitors. 

Services, unlike physical products, can be challenging to visualize and differentiate. However, having a website provides you with the opportunity to present your service in an enticing and convincing manner for potential customers. Think of your website as a member of your team - a sales representative who works tirelessly 24/7 to tell your story and explain why customers should choose you. 

Additionally, having a website adds credibility to your business. Have you ever encountered someone offering their services without a website? It's difficult to build trust when there is limited information available about them or their business. Therefore, by showcasing your work and demonstrating why you are the right fit through a well-designed website, not only can it help you sell your services and improve brand recognition but also remove any decision barriers that may exist for potential customers.

Do I need a website if my business is already on social media?

Having an Instagram or TikTok account for your business is great for marketing purposes but should never replace having a dedicated website. Social media platforms come with certain risks – like losing access to your account or algorithm changes that reduce your visibility. These risks can have a significant impact on your business. With a website, you have more control and can build direct relationships with customers.

Another aspect to consider is the ownership of your audience. Even if you have a large following on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, ultimately it is these platforms that own your audience. You don't have access to their email addresses or phone numbers, and you certainly wouldn't be able to contact them all at once. While you can post as much as you like, there's no guarantee that everyone will see it. On the other hand, if you had their contact details such as email addresses, reaching out through emails would provide more visibility than just relying on social media posts alone. By having direct communication channels with your audience through email marketing for example,you can ensure better reach and engagement compared to solely depending on social media algorithms.

Should I just rely on family and friends?

Finally, even if your side hustle is small or just starting out, it’s important to identify and reach your target audience. While friends and family can be a good starting point, relying solely on them won’t provide consistent income in the long run. A website allows you to tailor content, like copywriting and images, to attract and engage your specific target audience.

Furthermore, even if you are getting referrals from friends and family, those referrals would still expect to gather more information on you through a website, which automatically gives you more credibility and removes extra barriers from their decision-making. 


So, should you have a website for your side hustle? The answer depends on what you’re selling, the stage of your business, and the level of control and growth you desire. Evaluate these factors carefully to make an informed decision that best suits your goals.

At WVQ Media, we specialize in developing exceptional websites that can assist you in launching your business successfully. Contact us today to find out how we can help!

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